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**FixMyCode with UserWay.org**

FixMyCode is an AI-powered tool offered by UserWay.org [1]. It optimizes code to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standards, ensuring that digital experiences are accessible to everyone [1]. By pasting code or typing a command into FixMyCode, the AI analyzes the code and provides accessible alternatives while explaining the changes made [4]. This tool aims to make digital experiences more inclusive and usable with compliant code [4].

FixMyCode has gained popularity and recognition in the industry. It has been listed as one of the world's top 100 fastest-growing products [2]. Additionally, FixMyCode has become the #1 trending AI tool [3]. These achievements highlight its effectiveness and the demand for accessible digital experiences.

With FixMyCode, developers can easily enhance the accessibility and usability of their code, resulting in a more inclusive user experience. By optimizing code according to WCAG 2.1 AA standards, websites and applications can be enjoyed by a wider audience, including people with disabilities.


1. [FixMyCode - UserWay.org](https://userway.org/fixmycode)

2. [UserWay.org - Fastest Growing Products 2023](https://il.linkedin.com/posts/userway_fastestgrowingproducts2023-g2-accessibility-activity-7029440649569419265-CUY5)

3. [UserWay.org on Twitter](https://twitter.com/UserWayOrg)

4. [Fix My Code with AI - Make Experiences Accessible and Usable with Compliant Code](https://steemit.com/steemhunt/@photosnap/fix-my-code-with-ai-make-experiences-accessible-and-usable-with-compliant-code)

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