
FastFacts7.com-monitor more than 2000 stocks



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Key Points: FastFacts, FastFacts7, invest, stock monitor, finance, stock exchange, billionaire , millionaire

FastFacts7.com is a platform that allows users to monitor more than 2000 stocks

FastFacts Monitor (FastFacts7.com) is a platform that allows users to monitor more than 2000 stocks and pinpoint announcements that could significantly impact stock prices. It also provides highly readable summaries of relevant information.

Get instant access to the latest announcements from over 2300+ listed companies, handpicked by AI to alert you to potentially market-moving news. Say goodbye to the 22-minute delay from traditional media, as FastFacts deliver highly readable briefings in just 2 minutes.


Unlike traditional media that spends more than 22 min to cover the breaking news, we pride ourselves on delivering highly readable summaries to your fingertips within just 2 minutes. This real-time advantage empowers you to make informed investment decisions swiftly.
Our AI model ensures ultra-high accuracy in extracting and interpreting data from official announcements, and we offer the original source for your verification.
We utilize state-of-the-art AI technology to analyze and simplify complex announcements. Within 3 seconds, you'll have a clear understanding of the key messages

Is FastFacts free?

FastFacts offers a 3-day free trial, after which a subscription fee will apply
Please note that it's very likely that stocks you've subscribed to do not release new announcements within the three-day trial period. If you choose not to renew your subscription after the trial period, we will continue to send you the latest announcements in the subsequent period for free, ensuring you experience a full-service to stay alert.

How FastFacts work?

1. FastFacts swiftly captures stock announcements from the SEC and other stock exchanges, and completes this process within seconds.
2. AI then analyzes these announcements and generates newsletters in as little as 30 seconds.
3. FastFacts will deliver both the newsletter and a link to the original announcement through the notification method you've set.



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