
WonsultingAI-Auto Apply Job, Auto AI Resume, Coverletter



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Key Points: Auto Apply Job, Resume Write, wonsulting ai

Introduce Wonsulting

Wonsulting is a company that provides career coaching and job search services to help people land their dream jobs. It was founded in 2019 by Jonathan Javier and Jerry Lee, who are both former Google employees. They started Wonsulting with the mission of turning underdogs into winners, especially those from non-target schools and non-traditional backgrounds (https://www.wonsulting.com/).

Some of the features and benefits of Wonsulting are:

It offers various services, such as career consulting, resume revision, LinkedIn profile revision, job search strategy, auto apply for jobs, interview prep, and cover letter revision. These services are designed to help clients improve their resumes, optimize their LinkedIn profiles, network with recruiters and hiring managers, apply for jobs automatically, and ace their interviews.

It also has an online course that teaches job seekers how to find their passion, beat the applicant tracking system (ATS), use proven job search strategies, make their LinkedIn stand out, and build genuine connections. The course comes with lifetime access and a 30-day money back guaranteehttps://www.wonsulting.com/.

It has developed WonsultingAI, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate content at scale for job seekers. WonsultingAI has various apps, such as ResumAI, CoverLetterAI, NetworkAI, and AutoApplyAI. These apps help users create tailored resumes, cover letters, and networking messages, and apply to jobs automatically.




An insight that I can share with you about Wonsulting is that it is one of the most featured job search platforms in the world.

It has been featured on Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, and more. It has also partnered with various organizations, such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors, Product School, and more. It has a community of over 100,000 people who have landed jobs at companies like Google, Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon, and more.



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