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Pricing Type
Free Plan
Key Points: Project Management, Planning System
Revolution in Project Management!
Minimalism, interface clarity, ease of use – it's all you need for productive work. Savvy Planner leverages the power of AI to project management, making your software development easier than ever before.
- Savvy Planning Systems
- Focus: AI-powered project management.
- Services: Automating task scheduling, analyzing project data, estimating timelines, and predicting project deadlines using AI.
- Savvy Systems Co
- Focus: Business support.
- Services: Using technology and creative solutions to assist business visionaries in streamlining operations and workflows.
- The Savvy Caregiver® Program
- Focus: Support for caregivers.
- Services: Provides essential support and resources to family caregivers dealing with Alzheimer's and dementia-related challenges.
- Savvy Systems (Horse-focused)
- Focus: Equestrian care and management.
- Services: A day planner and healthcare record system tailored to horse owners, trainers, and enthusiasts.
- The Virtual Savvy
- Focus: Online services (specifics unclear from available data).
- Access: Services appear to be accessible via a login portal, suggesting a platform or membership-based model.
- Savvy Data Systems
- Focus: Industrial technology.
- Products: Provides a secure edge device compatible with essential industrial hardware such as CNCs and PLCs.
Features and Benefits
- Savvy Planning Systems
- Focus: AI-powered project management.
- Services: Automating task scheduling, analyzing project data, estimating timelines, and predicting project deadlines using AI.
- Savvy Systems Co
- Focus: Business support.
- Services: Using technology and creative solutions to assist business visionaries in streamlining operations and workflows.
Open Source
Open Source or API
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Compare with Taskade-Team Tasks, Notes, Video Chat
Compare with n8n-Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs
Compare with Bardeen.ai-Revolutionizing Repetitive Task Automation with AI
Compare with ProofHub AI – Streamlining Project Management and Collaboration
Compare with Kanban tool
Compare with Vimcal – The World’s Fastest Calendar for Remote Work
Compare with Cody AI-answers questions, helps with creative work, troubleshoots issues, and brainstorms ideas