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Introduce Brave Leo AI

Brave Leo AI is a browser-native AI assistant developed by Brave, the web browser known for its privacy-focused features. Leo is designed to provide users with a smart AI assistant right within their browser. It allows users to ask questions and get answers while ensuring unparalleled privacy.

Brave Leo AI was introduced as a chat assistant hosted by Brave without the use of third-party AI services. It was initially available to Brave users on the desktop Nightly channel, catering to developers and testers. However, it has since been made available to desktop users, emphasizing its commitment to preserving user privacy.

Features and Benefits

  • Browser-Native: Brave Leo AI is integrated directly into the Brave web browser, eliminating the need for third-party AI services. This ensures a seamless and private AI experience.
  • Privacy-Preserving: Leo is designed with a focus on user privacy, aligning with Brave's core values. Users can interact with the AI assistant while knowing their data is protected.
  • Wide Range of Capabilities: Leo is a versatile AI assistant capable of performing various tasks and providing assistance across different areas, making it a valuable addition to the browsing experience.


Brave Leo AI is a browser-native AI assistant developed by Brave, offering users the convenience of asking questions and getting answers directly within their web browser. It prioritizes user privacy and is integrated into the Brave browser without relying on third-party AI services.


Brave Leo AI represents the growing trend of integrating AI assistants directly into web browsers, enhancing the user experience while maintaining a strong emphasis on privacy. This aligns with the broader shift towards privacy-focused technologies in the digital space.


  1. Brave Leo AI - Official Website
  2. Brave Leo - Browser-native AI assistant
  3. Brave's Latest News

Features and Benefits

  • Browser-Native: Brave Leo AI is integrated directly into the Brave web browser, eliminating the need for third-party AI services. This ensures a seamless and private AI experience.
  • Privacy-Preserving: Leo is designed with a focus on user privacy, aligning with Brave's core values. Users can interact with the AI assistant while knowing their data is protected.
  • Wide Range of Capabilities: Leo is a versatile AI assistant capable of performing various tasks and providing assistance across different areas, making it a valuable addition to the browsing experience.

Open Source

Open Source or API