
文心一格 AI Art and Creative Assistance Platform



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文心一格 AI Art and Creative Assistance Platform

文心一格官网  official website is https://yige.baidu.com/

文心一格 is an innovative AI-powered art and creative assistance platform developed by Baidu. Harnessing the technological prowess of Baidu's Wenxin large model and PaddlePaddle framework, this platform introduces an "AI painting" feature that empowers users to effortlessly master diverse artistic styles, enabling anyone to create captivating art with just a few words. The platform integrates various AI techniques, including AI learning, AI drawing, AI coloring, and AI poetry generation, culminating in the creation of artworks such as the traditional Chinese landscape painting "夏日山居図" (Summer Day in the Mountains).

Since its launch in August 2022, 文心一格 has positioned itself as a trailblazer in AI image generation, providing support to artists and enthusiasts in generating art across a wide array of styles. The platform's capabilities have expanded to encompass not only traditional ink and oil painting but also anime-style artwork, aligning with Baidu's broader AI endeavors, including their ChatGPT variant "文心一言" and other AI-generated content.

The advent of 文心一格 has significantly lowered the barriers to artistic expression, establishing itself as a pioneering product in the realm of AI-generated visual content. Beyond facilitating creative endeavors, this AI-powered platform underscores the immense potential of AI in proficiently generating diverse forms of content.


Wenxin Yige, AI art and creative auxiliary platform, relying on the technological innovation of flying oars and Wenxin big models to launch the "AI painting" products, can easily control a variety of styles, and everyone can "one sentence into painting"

2022年8月19日,中国图象图形大会 CCIG 2022 在成都召开,正式发布 AI 艺术和创意辅助平台——文心·一格,这是百度依托飞桨、文心大模型的技术创新推出的“AI 作画”首款产品。

On the official website of Wenxin · Yige, users only need to enter their own creative text and select the desired painting style to quickly obtain the corresponding painting generated by Yige. According to the official website, Wenxin · Yige now supports the generation of more than ten different styles of high-definition paintings such as national style, oil painting, watercolor, gouache, animation, realism, etc., and also supports different frame selection.

On August 19, 2022, the China Image Graphics Conference CCIG 2022 was held in Chengdu, and the AI art and creative auxiliary platform - Wenxin · Yige was officially released. This is the first product of "AI Painting" launched by Baidu based on the technological innovation of flying oars and Wenxin models.


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