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Based on the provided web search results, the query is about Stellar, a goal tracking platform and strategy copilot for employees . Stellar helps teams track their goals, improve communication, and increase the chances of achieving their Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) . It offers features like automated tracking, smart prompts, recurring check-ins, and visibility into the progress of critical work . The platform aims to prevent OKRs from slipping and provides a solution for agile communication within teams.

Stellar's website is []. The company has also been featured on Y Combinator's website . According to Crunchbase, Stellar is a private company and its legal name is Stellar App Inc. The funding details of the company are not specified .

Stellar is focused on reimagining the modern workplace experience by developing mobile performance management software. Its platform helps teams create and manage team objectives . By providing automated tracking and smart prompts, Stellar aims to increase confidence in the progress of critical work and bring visibility to small problems before they become significant .

Overall, Stellar is a goal tracking platform that assists teams in managing their OKRs, improving communication, and achieving their goals. It offers features such as automated tracking, smart prompts, and recurring check-ins to help teams stay on track and ensure progress towards their objectives .

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