
New Bing with ChatGPT-4 for Free



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Introduce Bing ChatGPT-4

Bing ChatGPT-4, powered by GPT-4, is an AI chatbot developed by Microsoft in partnership with OpenAI. As of May 4, 2023, Microsoft has made Bing ChatGPT-4 available for free to users, eliminating the need for waitlists or paid subscriptions. To access this advanced AI chatbot, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Download Microsoft Edge if you don't already have it installed on your device.
  2. Open Microsoft Edge.
  3. Click "Sign In" to start using Bing ChatGPT-4 for free.

Features and Benefits

Here are three key features and benefits of Bing ChatGPT-4:

  1. No Waitlist: Unlike the previous versions of ChatGPT, Microsoft has removed the waitlist for Bing ChatGPT-4. Users can now access this AI chatbot without waiting for an invitation or subscription.
  2. Free Access: Microsoft offers free access to Bing ChatGPT-4 via Microsoft Edge, providing users with an opportunity to interact with the latest GPT-4 model without any cost.
  3. Enhanced Capabilities: Bing ChatGPT-4 is designed to offer an improved ChatGPT experience with enhanced capabilities and features, making it a valuable tool for various tasks, including answering questions and generating text content.


Bing ChatGPT-4, powered by GPT-4, is now available for free access via Microsoft Edge. It offers advanced AI chatbot capabilities without the need for waitlists or subscriptions. Users can enjoy the benefits of enhanced AI interactions and improved text generation capabilities.


Microsoft's decision to offer Bing ChatGPT-4 for free represents a significant step in democratizing access to advanced AI technology. This move aims to make AI-driven interactions more accessible to a broader audience and encourages innovation and experimentation in various domains, from content creation to customer support.


Features and Benefits

  • No Waitlist: Unlike the previous versions of ChatGPT, Microsoft has removed the waitlist for Bing ChatGPT-4. Users can now access this AI chatbot without waiting for an invitation or subscription.
  • Free Access: Microsoft offers free access to Bing ChatGPT-4 via Microsoft Edge, providing users with an opportunity to interact with the latest GPT-4 model without any cost.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: Bing ChatGPT-4 is designed to offer an improved ChatGPT experience with enhanced capabilities and features, making it a valuable tool for various tasks, including answering questions and generating text content.

Open Source

Open Source or API
Open API