
Driver.js-Make user guide tours in one second-improve User Experience



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Driver.js: Guiding User Focus with Interactive Tours

Driver.js is a lightweight, dependency-free JavaScript library designed to direct a user's attention across a web page. Developed by Kamran Ahmed, this library empowers developers to create engaging user experiences by highlighting specific elements, resulting in enhanced user engagement and interaction.

About Driver.js:

  • Website: Driver.js
  • Developer: Kamran Ahmed
  • Size: Approximately 4kb gzipped

Key Features:

  • Highly customizable to suit various use cases
  • Enables developers to create interactive tours or walkthroughs
  • Can be installed via npm, Yarn, or included through a CDN


Developers can utilize Driver.js by employing its methods to highlight specific elements on a web page. This allows for the creation of interactive tours or guided experiences for users.

For detailed installation instructions and usage guidelines, refer to the official documentation. Further insights and examples can also be found in the GitHub repository.

In conclusion, Driver.js is a valuable tool that empowers web developers to create engaging and interactive user experiences. By effectively guiding user focus, this lightweight library contributes to enhanced user engagement and satisfaction.

Features and Benefits

  • Website: Driver.js
  • Developer: Kamran Ahmed
  • Size: Approximately 4kb gzipped
  • Highly customizable to suit various use cases

Open Source

Open Source or API