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Crossplag™ is a comprehensive tool for plagiarism checking [1]. It aims to democratize plagiarism checking while allowing users to have full ownership of their work. It is described as the most holistic tool for plagiarism checking [1]. Crossplag™ offers a cross-lingual similarity detection feature [5] and claims to be the most advanced and affordable tool for cross-lingual plagiarism checking [4].

The website for Crossplag™ can be found at [1]. They also have a Twitter account [@crossplag] and a LinkedIn page with 433 followers [4][5]. Additionally, there is a Facebook page available [3].

According to a blog post on Crossplag.com, the free version of the tool may not reflect the same accuracy provided to institutions and for commercial use [6]. This suggests that there may be differences in the capabilities and features offered in the free version compared to the paid version.

Overall, Crossplag™ is a tool dedicated to plagiarism checking, with a focus on cross-lingual similarity detection. It offers both free and commercial versions, with potential variations in accuracy between the two versions [1][6].


  1. Crossplag™
  2. Crossplag Facebook page
  3. Crossplag Twitter account
  4. Crossplag LinkedIn page
  5. Blog post on Crossplag.com

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