
AppyHigh Prime- The world’s 1st generative AI app bundle



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(Note: Total Trends = Monthly Visits data from Similarweb + Total Producthunt Vote + BestTool User Views)

Pricing Type

Paid Plan


AppyHigh Prime Membership Renewal To renew your AppyHigh Prime membership, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AppyHigh website at https://appyhigh.com.
  2. Look for the renewal option on the website to proceed with the renewal process[1].

About AppyHigh AppyHigh is a company that envisions creating a simplified and enriching world through technology. They are dedicated to achieving this vision one app at a time[2].

Contacting AppyHigh If you need to get in touch with AppyHigh for any inquiries or communication, you can do so by visiting their contact page on their website[3].

AppyHigh Products AppyHigh offers a range of products, and you can explore them on their products page at https://www.appyhigh.com/products.html[4]. One of their offerings is AppyHigh Prime, which provides premium features for multiple apps at a subscription cost of $299 per year[5].

Careers at AppyHigh If you're interested in a career with AppyHigh, you can learn more about their opportunities on their careers page[6].

All Products Offered by AppyHigh Prime AppyHigh Prime offers a variety of apps, including AI Avatar Maker, MageAI GPT, and Scanner Go, among others. These apps are available as part of the AppyHigh Prime subscription[7].

AppyHigh Company Information AppyHigh is described as an internet tech company that builds global products to engage and inspire millions. They are involved in the technology, information, and internet industry and have a team of 51-200 employees. Their headquarters is located in Gurgaon[9].

AppyHigh on Google Play You can find and download Android apps developed by AppyHigh on Google Play[10].

In summary, AppyHigh is a technology company that focuses on creating apps to simplify and enrich people's lives. They offer a subscription service called AppyHigh Prime, which provides access to premium features across multiple apps. If you need to renew your AppyHigh Prime membership or want more information about the company and its products, you can visit their website or contact them directly. Additionally, if you're interested in a career at AppyHigh, you can explore their job opportunities.




Features and Benefits

  • Log in to the AppyHigh website athttps://appyhigh.com.
  • Look for the renewal option on the website to proceed with the renewal process[1].

Open Source

Open Source or API