Notta-Transcribe Audio to Text

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Music & Audio & Voice
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Real-time Transcription: Notta can transcribe audio in real-time, allowing you to capture spoken content as it happens. Translation: It also provides translation functionality, making it useful for language conversion. File Length: Notta can handle audio files of up to five hours in length. Mobile App: Notta offers a mobile app for both Android and iOS platforms, enabling users to transcribe audio on the go . Web App: You can access Notta through its web app, which also has features like skipping silence and organizing transcripts. Integration: Notta has a bot for live meeting transcription in Zoom and Google, making it a valuable tool for remote communication and collaboration . Pricing: Notta offers free access for all users, making it an accessible tool for transcription needs .
Chat with PDFs: ChatPDF enables you to have a conversation with PDF documents. You can ask questions, seek information, and interact with the content as if you were chatting with a virtual assistant. Summarization: ChatPDF can automatically generate concise summaries of PDF documents. This feature is especially helpful for quickly understanding the main points and key information within lengthy files. AI-Powered: It utilizes advanced AI technology, including ChatGPT, to process PDFs. This allows it to identify key points, provide answers, and offer insights from various types of documents, including books, research papers, manuals, and more.
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