AutoGPT-Open Source AI Assistant Available To Everyone

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Auto-GPT v0.4.7 introduces initial REST API support powered by e2b's agent protocol SDK. It also includes enhancements to prompt generation and support for various functionalities. Auto-GPT 0.4.1 now supports plugins. Users can clone or download plugins from GitHub and integrate them into the application. A dedicated wiki provides information about the project's attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous. Discussions related to Auto-GPT take place in the GitHub Discussions forum within the General category.
Content Creation: Simplified provides access to millions of free images, videos, and audio clips, making it a valuable resource for content creation. This feature streamlines the process of finding multimedia assets for marketing projects. AI-Powered Tools: The app offers AI-driven tools such as an AI Writer, which serves as a free copywriting assistant, and a Video Editor. These AI-powered features can enhance content creation efficiency and quality. Graphic Design Tool: Simplified includes a free Graphic Design Tool that is accessible to everyone. This tool allows users to create visually appealing graphics, further supporting marketing efforts.
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