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AI Writing
AI Writing
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Free and Accurate: ZeroGPT offers a 100% free and accurate solution for identifying AI-generated text. It provides a straightforward and reliable way to check content for AI-generated elements, making it a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and content creators. Supports Various AI Models: ZeroGPT is not limited to detecting just one AI model. It can identify content generated by ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and other AI writing tools. This versatility ensures that users can confidently assess a wide range of AI-generated materials. User-Friendly: ZeroGPT is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to individuals regardless of their location or time constraints. Its ease of use and accurate results make it a popular choice for those looking to verify the authenticity of text sources quickly.
Sales Prospecting Get access to a database of millions with verified, up-to-date critical information. Add prospects to lists and seamlessly handle bulk actions clicks. Multi-Channel Sales Engagement Add prospects to automation-powered personalised sequences and engage them across email, calls, text, LinkedIn and Twitter - all with a click. Inbound Conversion and Scheduling Capture inbound leads with an embedded calendar for one-click scheduling with and route it with automated round-robin assignment
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Freemium (Free and Paid)
Open Source or API
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