
Finetalk: Easy to set up AI chatbot that grasps your business, products & answers



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Introduce FineTalk

Finetalk offers a customizable AI chatbot for customer support that can address visitor inquiries in real time, powered by AI trained on your custom data. It’s designed for easy integration onto websites, providing instant 24/7 customer support. The chatbot can be tailored to match your website’s theme and controlled through a user-friendly dashboard.

- FineTalk is an AI chatbot platform that allows businesses to customize chatbots using data from the web, documents, and files for tailored solutions.
- It offers the ability to convert websites into AI chatbots in just minutes.
- FineTalk's AI chatbot can revolutionize customer support by addressing visitor inquiries in real-time, powered by AI trained on custom data.

Features and Benefits

- Customizable chatbots: FineTalk allows businesses to customize chatbots using data from various sources, including the web, documents, and files.
- Real-time customer support: The AI chatbot can address visitor inquiries in real-time, providing 24/7 customer support.
- Tailored solutions: FineTalk's AI is trained on custom data, allowing for personalized and tailored solutions for businesses.


FineTalk is an AI chatbot platform that enables businesses to create customized chatbots using data from various sources. It offers real-time customer support and tailored solutions by utilizing AI trained on custom data.


- [1] ChatGPT - chatbots! Still have question? What is FineTalk? AI Trained on your business Customize chatbots with data from web, documents, and files for tailored solutions. [Link](https://finetalk.in/)
- [2] finetalk Convert your website into an AI chatbot in minutes. [Link](https://app.finetalk.in/)
- [4] Finetalk - Supercharge your customer support with AI 24*7 Revolutionise your customer support with our custom AI chatbot. Address visitor inquiries in real-time, powered by AI trained on your custom data. [Link](https://www.producthunt.com/posts/finetalk)


Open Source

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