
Data Tools Pro specializing for data management, Salesforce, and Snowflake



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Data Tools Pro data management, Salesforce, and Snowflake.

Data Tools Pro is a company that offers various tools and services related to data management, Salesforce, and Snowflake.

Data Tools Pro offers an AI-enhanced metrics and KPI glossary for Salesforce, streamlining the creation and maintenance of metrics dictionaries. It stands out by tracking lineage, reporting, and data assets, ensuring consistent, high-quality information delivery to uses. This free utility simplifies Salesforce management and has gained positive feedback from users seeking relief from metric and report management challenges.

Features and Benefits

Here's a breakdown of the information based on the provided search results:

  1. Data Tools Pro Overview: Data Tools Pro provides DataTools℠ for Salesforce and Snowflake, which aim to enhance data cloud adoption and success.
  2. About Data Tools Pro Team: The company's team specializes in creating tools and solutions that support decision-making and artificial intelligence transformation.
  3. Tutorials and Documentation: Data Tools Pro offers free resources, including tutorials and documentation, to help users learn how to use their tools and platforms, particularly for Salesforce Data Migration.
  4. Data Security: DataToolsPro has a FAQ section about data security, addressing questions like whether it queries record data. It seems that DataToolsPro is not designed for querying record data.
  5. Contact Information: Users can get in touch with Data Tools Pro via email, phone, or social media to discuss their data and analytics needs.
  6. Blog: Data Tools Pro maintains a blog that discusses topics related to Salesforce metrics, KPIs, and their importance in managing and monitoring sales and marketing efforts.
  7. Cookie Verification: This appears to be related to accessing Data Tools Pro for Salesforce, possibly requiring a passcode for access.
  8. Privacy Policy: Data Tools Pro has a privacy policy that may contain information about how they handle data and advertising on their website.
  9. Salesforce Data Migration Tool: Data Tools Pro offers a free AI-augmented Salesforce data migration tool to streamline migration projects.
  10. Data Migration Scorecard for Salesforce: Data Tools Pro provides tools for migrating and mapping Salesforce picklists to ensure that all values have mapped values.


Data Tools Pro  is a company specializing in data management tools and services, particularly for Salesforce and Snowflake users. They offer tutorials, migration tools, and documentation to assist users in optimizing their data operations. Users can also contact them for support and inquiries regarding their data and analytics needs. Data security is a concern addressed in their FAQ section, and they have a blog that discusses important topics related to Salesforce metrics and KPIs. If you're interested in their services or tools, you can reach out to them for more information.


Features and Benefits

  • Data Tools Pro Overview: Data Tools Pro provides DataTools℠ for Salesforce and Snowflake, which aim to enhance data cloud adoption and success.
  • About Data Tools Pro Team: The company's team specializes in creating tools and solutions that support decision-making and artificial intelligence transformation.
  • Tutorials and Documentation: Data Tools Pro offers free resources, including tutorials and documentation, to help users learn how to use their tools and platforms, particularly for Salesforce Data Migration.
  • Data Security: DataToolsPro has a FAQ section about data security, addressing questions like whether it queries record data. It seems that DataToolsPro is not designed for querying record data.

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